Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The joy of computing

So recently when I have been servicing client computers I have come upon machines that are living well beyond their usefullness. The worst part about these machines is that they people are fine with them because they "still work." Well when it takes you 4+ hours to do the maintenance on a machine because the machine has like 128MB of RAM and a super slow processor and is using 120MB of the RAM just sitting there doing nothing. So what does this mean folks, it means that when you start doing anything on the machine it starts using the HDD as RAM which equals very very slow performance especially when the HDD is only a 5400 RPM HDD. I mean technically my computer is living past its usefulness but I built the machine with good parts so it is still a decent machine even now. The other thing that is bugging me is that at one of the clients there is one of the workers that does not like the fact that we come in during normal business hours because she can't use her computer for like 30-45 min however she still finds other stuff to do but it always seems to be such an inconvenience to her.

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